Important! Locations of Traffic Cameras on the Streets of Belgrade (MAP)

From 2019 onwards, the implementation of a long-anticipated project by the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs has been underway on the streets of Belgrade, aiming to install a large number of security cameras in the capital's streets.

The ultimate result of the project should be an increase in the level of safety for all traffic participants, while simultaneously raising the overall security of citizens on the streets of Belgrade.

Over the past years, hundreds of cameras have been installed in the busiest locations in the city, effectively covering a significant part of Belgrade with constant video surveillance.

Saobracajni znak za kamere na putu

We would like to remind you that the Ministry's project includes plans to install approximately a thousand CCTV cameras for video surveillance, of the brand Huawei, at around 800 locations throughout the Belgrade urban zone, as well as at key locations in the vicinity of the capital.

The majority of cameras will be installed for the purpose of preventing criminal acts, thus increasing the general level of citizens' safety. However, a portion of the cameras will also serve for enhanced traffic safety control, specifically regarding compliance with traffic regulations, primarily speed limits, vertical and horizontal traffic signals, and driving in the "yellow" lane.

Stricter enforcement of compliance with traffic signalization will primarily take place near schools, while speed control and monitoring of driving in the "yellow" lane will be intensified on bridges and boulevards.

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In addition to the mentioned cameras with clear functions, we are witnessing a constant increase in the number of cameras whose purpose is not yet precisely defined.

It is assumed that most of these cameras will be used for traffic observation, in order to raise citizens' awareness of safe participation in traffic and for more efficient clarification of any disputed situations in traffic accidents.

Currently, it is still unknown whether the newly installed cameras will also record traffic violations by irresponsible drivers, but it is certainly advisable to be cautious since any fines will be sent directly to the registered address of the vehicle owner.

Nove saobracajne kamere u Beogradu

You can check the locations of registered traffic cameras in Belgrade below.


  • Running a red light - red pin
  • Speeding - blue pin
  • Driving in the "yellow" lane - green pin
  • Existing traffic surveillance cameras - burgundy pin
  • Function of the NEW cameras yet to be defined - black pin

Have you noticed a camera that is not on the map? Report it here.