Fruška Gora Marathon | Tourist Calendar of Serbia

Fruška Gora Marathon is one of the largest sports and recreational events in the country and certainly the biggest and oldest mountain marathon in Serbia.

This extraordinary mountain race takes place every spring over the course of two days on the slopes of Fruška Gora within the national park of the same name.

The marathon's date varies each year to align with the Easter and May Day holidays, usually falling on a weekend in the second half of April or early May, regardless of weather conditions.

Besides being held in the idyllic setting of the oldest national park in Serbia, this unique sports event also has a competitive nature and has been attracting athletes and recreational participants from the entire Vojvodina region, Serbia, and even the surrounding region for decades.

First organized in 1978, the Fruška Gora Marathon is also one of the oldest events of its kind in all of Europe. It is considered to be founded and primarily organized by PSD Železničar from Novi Sad. However, the Marathon now receives strong support from the City of Novi Sad, the Provincial Secretariat for Sports and Youth, numerous mountaineering societies, and sponsors.

Interestingly, until the early 1990s, the Fruška Gora Marathon was called the "May 25 Marathon," naturally named after Josip Broz Tito's birthdate. What's even more interesting is that during Tito's lifetime, the longest marathon route was the same length as his age, meaning it increased by one kilometer every year.

The Fruška Gora Marathon offers a total of 19 different routes varying in length, elevation, and physical difficulty required to conquer them. While 5 routes are categorized as competitive and certified by the International Trail Running Association (ITRA), the remaining 14 are recreational in nature.

Fruska Gora Marathon

The longest route of the Fruška Gora Marathon, known as the ultra-extreme marathon, is designed for the most endurance-trained participants, covering an astonishing 134 kilometers, with a time limit of 35 hours. On the other hand, the mini marathon, with a distance of 10 kilometers to be completed within 3 hours, is acceptable for most recreational participants, and traditionally attracts the largest number of participants.

This unique event, besides being a significant sporting challenge for the most determined individuals, allows participants to spend a fun and dynamic weekend in the natural surroundings of Serbia's first national park. It also provides an indirect way to explore the rich cultural and historical heritage of Fruška Gora.

Markers for Fruška Gora Marathon

This year's edition of the Fruška Gora Marathon will take place on April 22nd and 23rd.

For information about registration and participation in the Fruška Gora Marathon, please visit the official Marathon website.