Disconnection Day | Funny Holidays

The Digital Era...

The digital era we live in has brought, and undoubtedly will continue to bring, numerous benefits to humanity.

Wireless internet, smartphones, tablets, and other smart devices have enabled us to connect with the whole world at almost any moment.

Endless possibilities for information, education, networking, and entertainment have expanded horizons and inspired all generations. While older individuals adapt to new technologies at different paces, today's kids are already "immersed" in the digital world from birth, often not realizing how the world functioned without the internet, smartphones, chats, and video games.

What Does the Day of Disconnection Mean Anyway?!

However, just as the electric locomotive once pushed the steam engine into oblivion, just as television overnight replaced the transistor, and as a result of constructing a modern highway, some local roads became abandoned, the era of digital communication has begun to impact an ancient but fundamental human skill: face-to-face conversation and physical connection between people.

For this reason, a local community in the USA established an informal holiday back in 2003 with an educational mission. It is called the Day of Disconnection, aiming for each of us to completely disconnect from all electronic devices and internet connection for at least 24 hours, spending a day without technology and "digital stress," engaging in conversations and socializing with family and loved ones, over coffee, tea, beer with friends, a shared meal, with a book or printed newspaper, outdoor activities, and ultimately with oneself.

How to Celebrate the Day of Disconnection?

It's not known why the first Friday in March was designated as the Day of Disconnection, but ultimately it doesn't matter because it can be any day. Granted, it's questionable whether one day without electronics is enough to fully grasp the true significance of live communication among people. However, in an era of widespread dependence on digital media, that one day could realistically be considered an achievement.

If the idea of this holiday seems intriguing to you, "celebrate" it at the earliest opportunity by simply disconnecting from the internet and turning off electronic devices.

However, it is advisable to:

  • Inform your parents, friends, and colleagues about your intention so that they don't worry and potentially report your disappearance to the police.
  • Plan activities for the day in detail and devise a means of communication with important individuals.
  • If your work is closely tied to the internet and digital media, designate a non-working day for the "celebration" to avoid any issues with your boss.