Cruise Ships Career Agencies Smederevo


Cruise Ships Career Agencies Smederevo

Working on ships is very attractive for young adventurous people who want to travel the world from the South to the North Pole and earn a good salary at the same time. Employment agencies for river ships or ocean cruisers select candidates based on their experience, but the most important requirement is a good knowledge of English or German. After the candidate selection, a contract is signed for a period of 6 to 8 months, and the most common positions that are sought after are stewards, waiters, bakers, bartenders, cooks, pastry chefs, receptionists, hairdressers, beauticians, spa workers, as well as people with knowledge of information technology and engineers. Working on cruise ships is generally demanding and the working hours can be up to 10 hours, but due to the high salary and the opportunity to visit many destinations in Europe, America, Australia, the Caribbean, Hawaii and the Far East, there is a great interest in working on cruise ships. It is an invaluable experience that also helps in future work, while many stay to work on cruise ships for more than 10 years when they also receive benefits such as the right to a pension.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the salary for a job on a cruise ship?
  • Salary on cruise ships is relatively high for our conditions and depending on experience and the jobs performed can range from $700 to $800, but the average is $1,800 to $2,000, while engineers can earn up to $8,000. Since accommodation, food and bills are paid, employees have no other expenses except for personal needs, so the entire salary can be saved.
  • Where can you apply for a job on a cruise ship?
  • It is best to contact an agency that hires workers to work on ships, and you can also fill out an application online. If you speak English well and have experience, you certainly have an advantage in employment. After registration, there is an interview and a language test, followed by the preparation of documents for boarding the ship. When hiring, experience on land in performing similar jobs, as well as good manners and good behavior, can help you.
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