10 Professions that Will be Displaced by AI

In the past few decades, technology has advanced dramatically and today it is practically impossible to imagine everyday life without the use of various technological devices and services. One of the most significant innovations in this domain is artificial intelligence (AI), which enables machines to learn, think fast and make decisions like humans. This technology has been developing for decades, and in recent years it has been increasingly applied in various industries and areas. Its use will undoubtedly lead to significant changes in the way people do work.

Although AI represents a remarkable advance for human civilization, there is another side to the coin. Namely, the application of AI will lead to the fact that certain occupations that are present today will become unnecessary, obsolete, or unprofitable.

FOTO: Pexels

In the rest of the text, we will look at ten professions that, thanks to AI, are likely to be threatened with "extinction" in the future. We will explain how this will be achieved, but at the same time present the positive aspects of using this technology.


One of the first occupations to disappear due to the application of AI is the receptionist. With the help of chat bots, AI will be able to take over the role of receptionist in hotels and other facilities that provide similar services. Using such systems, users will be able to get information about services, book accommodation or ask a question, and AI will answer all relevant questions in real time.


Since the coronavirus epidemic, the delivery of food and other products has become a lucrative business, and delivery people have become an indispensable part of this industry. However, it is certain that AI, i.e. the use of drones and autonomous vehicles, will reduce the need for human labor in the future, but will also lead to more efficient and faster delivery. In addition, by using AI, it is possible to optimize delivery routes and reduce traffic congestion, which will contribute to reducing pollution and improving the state of the environment.


The application of AI will make some administrative and administrative support jobs obsolete. For example, AI will be able to perform tasks such as scheduling, organizing trips and sending emails. This will reduce the need for human labor in these areas, but at the same time allow people to focus on more complex tasks and improve the quality of services. Secretaries will still be needed to coordinate and support management and employees, but AI will certainly change the job description.

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The use of AI will lead to certain jobs in banking being overcome. For example, automating processes will require less human effort in the areas of transaction processing and credit rating checks. However, AI will certainly bring positive changes in banking, such as improving the efficiency and speed of transaction processing, and it will also help fight fraud and reduce risk.

Counter clerks

In some sectors, such as post offices, government agencies or insurance companies, AI will take over the role of counter clerk. By using chatbots, users will be able to make requests, ask questions and get information, and AI will adequately answer all relevant questions and concerns. This will lead to a reduction in the need for human engagement and also provide a better user experience.


The use of AI will lead to the robotization of some bookkeeping jobs as well. For example, AI will be able to automatically post accounts, process financial data and create financial reports without any problems. This will reduce the need for human involvement in such tasks, but will undoubtedly enable more accurate and efficient processing of financial data without the possibility of human error.

Car manufacturers

The use of artificial intelligence in the automotive industry is already present. Even today, manufacturers use robots for certain tasks, and in the future, AI will without a doubt perform most tasks in the production process, including the assembly of vehicles. This will reduce the need for manpower in the factories, but will also enable faster and more efficient vehicle production.

AI, car
FOTO: Unsplash

Graphic designers

AI is already making certain tasks in the field of graphic design automated and completed in incomparably less time than if they were done by a human. For example, algorithms for creating logos and visual identities are already popular among entrepreneurs and small businesses. However, what AI will not be able to replace is creative thinking and designing more demanding projects, where a human touch is needed.

Legal trainees

The implementation of AI solutions will make some legal jobs obsolete. From the point of view of lawyers and law firms, the status of trainee will be meaningless because all trainee jobs will be performed without problems by artificial intelligence. For example, AI will be able to perform tasks such as document searches and case analysis. From the perspective of the trainee himself, it will be more difficult to obtain practical knowledge and gain professional experience. This will reduce the need for human labor, but will also enable more accurate and faster case analysis.


The use of AI will also make certain jobs in the hospitality industry redundant. For example, the use of digital menus and automated ordering will reduce the need for human labor in some restaurants. However, AI will also enable more personalized services and a better guest experience, as AI will be able to adapt to individual needs and preferences.

FOTO: Pexels

As can be seen from this overview, the use of AI will lead to major changes in many sectors and positions in the coming years. The biggest "blows" will be suffered by workers in jobs that are repetitive, that is, those tasks that are repeated according to some established rule or pattern. However, these changes are not necessarily negative. On the contrary, they can inspire people to turn to intelligent and creative jobs. By using AI, it is possible to improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase productivity. In addition, AI will enable the creation of new jobs and the creation of new markets. As already mentioned, certain professions will probably disappear, but new ones will appear that will be related to the development, implementation and maintenance of AI systems.

Ultimately, AI will be a key factor in the development and advancement of human civilization. Instead of fearing AI, we should embrace it and make the most of its potential. It will lead to the creation of a better world for all of us.

P.S. This article was written by AI.